
Glide v4 uses an annotation processor to generate an API that allows applications to access all options in RequestBuilder, RequestOptions and any included integration libraries in a single fluent API.

The generated API serves two purposes:

  1. Integration libraries can extend Glide’s API with custom options.
  2. Applications can extend Glide’s API by adding methods that bundle commonly used options.

Although both of these tasks can be accomplished by hand by writing custom subclasses of RequestOptions, doing so is challenging and produces a less fluent API.

Getting Started


The generated API is only available for applications for now. Limiting the generated API to applications allows us to have a single implementation of the API, instead of N implementations, one per library and the application. As a result, it’s much simpler to manage imports and ensure that all call paths within a particular application have the correct options applied. This restriction may be lifted (experimentally or otherwise) in a future version.

For now the API is only generated when a properly annotated AppGlideModule is found. There can only be one AppGlideModule per application. As a result it’s not possible to generate the API for a library without precluding any application that uses the library from using the generated API.


To use the generated API in your application, you need to perform two steps:

  1. Add a dependency on Glide’s annotation processor:

    repositories {
    dependencies {
      annotationProcessor 'com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.8.0'

    See the download and setup page for more detail.

  2. Include a AppGlideModule implementation in your application:

    package com.example.myapp;
    import com.bumptech.glide.annotation.GlideModule;
    import com.bumptech.glide.module.AppGlideModule;
    public final class MyAppGlideModule extends AppGlideModule {}

You’re not required to implement any of the methods in AppGlideModule for the API to be generated. You can leave the class blank as long as it extends AppGlideModule and is annotated with @GlideModule.

AppGlideModule implementations must always be annotated with @GlideModule. If the annotation is not present, the module will not be discovered and you will see a warning in your logs with the Glide log tag that indicates that the module couldn’t be found.

Note: Libraries should not include AppGlideModule implementations. See the configuration page for details.


If you’re using Kotlin you can:

  1. Implement all of Glide’s annotated classes (AppGlideModule, LibraryGlideModule, and GlideExtension) in Java as shown above.
  2. Implement the annotated classes in Kotlin, but add a kapt dependency instead of an annotationProcessor dependency on Glide’s annotation processor:

    dependencies {
      kapt 'com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.8.0'

    Note that you must also include the kotlin-kapt plugin in your build.gradle file:

    apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'

    In addition, if you have any other annotation processors, all of them must be converted from annotationProcessor to kapt:

    dependencies {
      kapt "android.arch.lifecycle:compiler:1.0.0"
      kapt 'com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.8.0'

    For more details on kapt, see the official documentation.

Android Studio

For the most part Android Studio just works with annotation processors and the generated API. However, you may need to rebuild the project the first time you add your AppGlideModule or after some types of changes. If the API won’t import or seems out of date, you can re-build by:

  1. Open the Build menu
  2. Click Rebuild Project.

Using the generated API

The API is generated in the same package as the AppGlideModule implementation provided by the application and is named GlideApp by default. Applications can use the API by starting all loads with GlideApp.with() instead of Glide.with():


Unlike Glide.with() options like fitCenter() and placeholder() are available directly on the builder and don’t need to be passed in as a separate RequestOptions object.


Glide’s generated API can be extended by both Applications and Libraries. Extensions use annotated static methods to add new options, modifying existing options, or add additional types.

The GlideExtension annotation identifies a class that extends Glide’s API. The annotation must be present on any classes that extend Glide’s API. If the annotation is not present, annotations on methods will be ignored.

Classes annotated with GlideExtension are expected to be utility classes. They should have a private and empty constructor. Classes annotated with GlideExtension should also be final and contain only static methods. Annotated classes may contain static variables and may reference other classes or objects.

An application may implement as many GlideExtension annotated classes as they’d like. Libraries can also implement an arbitrary number of GlideExtension annotated classes. When a AppGlideModule is found, all available GlideExtensions will be merged to create a single API with all available extensions. Conflicts will result in compilation errors in Glide’s annotation processor.

GlideExtension annotated classes can define two types of extension methods:

  1. GlideOption - Adds a custom option to RequestOptions.
  2. GlideType - Adds support for a new resource type (GIFs, SVG etc).


GlideOption annotated static methods extend RequestOptions. GlideOption is useful to:

  1. Define a group of options that is used frequently throughout an application.
  2. Add new options, typically in conjunction with Glide’s Option class.

To define a group of options, you might write:

public class MyAppExtension {
  // Size of mini thumb in pixels.
  private static final int MINI_THUMB_SIZE = 100;

  private MyAppExtension() { } // utility class

  public static void miniThumb(RequestOptions options) {

This will generate a method in a RequestOptions subclass that looks like this:

public class GlideOptions extends RequestOptions {
  public GlideOptions miniThumb() {


You can include as many additional arguments in your methods as you want, as long as the first argument is always RequestOptions:

public static void miniThumb(RequestOptions options, int size) {

The additional arguments will be added as arguments to the generated method:

public GlideOptions miniThumb(int size) {

You can then call your custom method by using the generated GlideApp class:


Methods with the GlideOption annotation are expected to be static and to return void. Note that the generated methods will not be available on the standard Glide and RequestOptions classes.


GlideType annotated static methods extend RequestManager. GlideType annotated methods allow you to add support for new types, including specifying default options.

For example, to add support for GIFs, you might add a GlideType method:

public class MyAppExtension {
  private static final RequestOptions DECODE_TYPE_GIF = decodeTypeOf(GifDrawable.class).lock();

  public static void asGif(RequestBuilder<GifDrawable> requestBuilder) {
      .transition(new DrawableTransitionOptions())

Doing so will generate a RequestManager with a method that looks like this:

public class GlideRequests extends RequesetManager {

  public RequestBuilder<GifDrawable> asGif() {
    RequestBuilder<GifDrawable> builder = as(GifDrawable.class);
    return builder;

You can then use the generated GlideApp class to call your custom type:


Methods annotated with GlideType must take a RequestBuilder<T> as their first argument where the type <T> matches the class provided to the GlideType annotation. Methods are expected to be static and return void. Methods must be defined in a class annotated with GlideExtension.